“These small acts bring communities together”
Written by David Craig, Chair of Warwick Ahead
We engaged with the Looking Out for Our Neighbours campaign last summer, delivered packs around our neighbourhood and spread the word. Of course you’re not going to encourage everyone to take notice and build a relationship with their community, people are busy and get caught up in their own lives. But if one or two people get on board with it, that can make a lot of difference to the lives of others.
It’s always important to look out for your neighbours, and it’s the small things that do really count. Offering to mow someone’s lawn, or checking in on them if you haven’t seen them for a few days. People like to know they haven’t been forgotten.
And of course, with Coronavirus, I’ve seen even more positive acts in our neighbourhood. People calling up elderly neighbours for a chat, or offering to donate toilet roll if anyone runs out. These small acts bring communities together, which is so important at all times – not just in times of national crisis.