About the campaign

Looking out for our neighbours is a community campaign running across West Yorkshire and Harrogate to help local people feel better in the place they live and have the peace of mind good neighbours bring.

Since launching the campaign in March 2019, more than 45,000 people across West Yorkshire and Harrogate have taken action to help out those around them – from helping their neighbours with the shopping or calling in for a cuppa, to hosting their own community events and activities.


Many of us are already doing a great job of looking out for others, but there is still more we could all do to make our communities healthier and happier. Research shows that it's likely someone living near you is either feeling lonely or needs a helping hand.

The facts

There are nine million lonely people in the UK*
* The Red Cross, Trapped in a bubble, Dec 2016
Over a million older people say they go more than a month without speaking to a friend, neighbour or family member* .
* Age UK, 2019
Older people living alone are 50% more likely to visit A&E than those who live with others* .
* Health Foundation, Dec 2018
Last year half a million older people across the UK expected to feel lonely at Christmas time* .
* Age UK, Dec 2018
More than 230,000 older people who will be on their own at least one day over the Christmas period (from Christmas Eve to New Year’s Day) say they have no choice* .
* Age UK, Dec 2018

So far....

More than 45,000 people across West Yorkshire and Harrogate have taken action to help out those around them. “The calling cards have encouraged residents to use them for support.” – Sandra, Nidderdale Plus, Harrogate Over 350 supporters have joined the movement so far. "It’s highlighting the important part neighbours play in people’s wellbeing, especially the elderly who often live alone.” – Laura, Collaborative Care Team, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust 75% of people have done something new to look out for their neighbours since the campaign launched. “I have realised it’s the small things that make a big difference.” – Salman, Neighbour, Batley, Kirklees #OurNeighbours has been used over 1,600 times.

Get involved

However big or small, there are lots of things you can do to look out for your neighbours.

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Become a supporter

Join over 350 local organisations and community groups who are helping to combat loneliness and isolation across West Yorkshire and Harrogate.

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