Spread The Kindness
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Since the ‘Looking out for each other’ campaign launched on 13th September our #SpreadTheKindness Ambassadors have had their eyes peeled spotting the day to day acts of kindness that are taking place across West Yorkshire.
Here’s what we’ve seen:
“I saw the natter bench in Kirkstall Abbey for the first time, Wow a great way to spread kindness”
“The Kindness Hub in Todmorden is fantastic, what an amazing place”
“At an open day at Roundhay High School it was clear to see that kindness is at the heart of all it does: We are kind. We are Roundhay”
“I was in Harehills, Leeds, taking photos for one of our campaigns and every shop owner offered me a drink or a sit down. They could tell I was busy and they wanted to check in on me and make sure I was looking after myself”
“I was in a supermarket in Wakefield and people were letting others in front of them in the queue because they had less items than them”
“A new family moved into my street, so I posted a card through the door. I wanted to say hello and let them know my name and where I lived”
“I saw a man struggling down the stairs of the bus, someone helped him down by taking his bag from him”
“The lights on Briggate that say ‘Leeds, We Are Your People’ makes me feel so warm!”
“I was at Xscape this week and my son wanted some change for some sweets, a young lady gave him 50p”
“The Airedale AOK kindness calendar really shows how easy it is to spread kindness”
When you spot an act of kindness why not shout about it and share your story by using #SpreadTheKindness #LookingOutForEachOther on social media